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Ticket: Images not showing in draft preview

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher
Severity Critical
EE Version 24


Jul 08, 2013

Hi again.
When viewing the draft preview after saving as a draft, the images dont show
I am using matrix and assets together
so use matrix to greate a group of images with other matrix fields for info and then assets inside one of the cells.
all works ok on published entry but not on the draft preview?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Thanks for the report. I’ll try to replicate it tonight and see if I can figure it out. By chance does it work when you go to the front-end of the site and add ?publisher_status=draft to the URL?



no, there is no image on using that too.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Oli, I’m unable to replicate this. I have a Matrix field with a column that is an Assets field. I used the single template variable and variable pair and it printed the image(s) in the preview and the template on the front-end.

Can you provide screenshots of your Matrix field and template code being used?



Think I figured it out - I had wrapped the template tags in {if article_images}…{/if} which seemed to stop it working taken those out for now, but if there is a solution that would be great.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Oli, what if you try this:

{if article_images != "czowOiIiOw=="} ... {/if}

Someone else reported a similar bug, but its because matrix isn’t evaluating the conditionals properly.



Ok Cheers will do

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