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Ticket: How are unprefixed URLs/forcing supposed to work?

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher
Severity Trivial
EE Version

Timothy Kelty

Jul 02, 2013

How I wanted/expected things to work:

WIth settings…
Add URL prefix = yes
Force URL prefix = yes
Force Default lang = no
Get lang from browser = no

Once I switched to ZH, I assumed that if the user clicked an un-prefixed URL, it would redirect to the prefixed ZH one (because of the force setting).

However, with “Force URL prefix”, it’s always forcing the default lang (EN) for un-prefixed urls.

This seems to be true regardless of the “Get lang from browser” setting. I’d like to be able to leave that setting on, but always have a choice from the lang switcher override it.

So, user goes to in EN browser, it redirects to Then user switches to ZH, it loads User clicks on unprefixed URL, and it loads, because the user has selected zh.

Regardless of the browser setting, it seems like it should work with force URL prefix on and force default off.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I did have it set to force the default language in this instance, which probably isn’t correct as you’ve noticed. I’ll email you a new build in a minute to try.


Timothy Kelty

That seem to do it, thanks.

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