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Ticket: Categories and Preview

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher Lite
Severity Critical
EE Version


Jun 27, 2013


I have a Situation

a Channel with several categories (Age Range, Size, and so On)

I can create or edit and publish an entry, and the system will save my selection, works fine.

BUT if I save as draft, I can’t preview the modifications in the categories (everything else works), and more important, in my original and live entry the categories will disappear! (I opened the live product), If I publish, my categories will come back to life.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I assume you’re using the {categories} {/categories} tag pair?



             {categories show_group="4" limit="2" note="vehicle type"}
                            <span class="vehicleCategory">&#123;category_name&#125;</span>

                    &#123;categories show_group="5" limit="1" note="age range"&#125;
                    &#123;categories show_group="6" limit="1" note="environment"&#125;

BoldMinded (Brian)

Yeah. Unfortunately it isn’t going to work to view categories in draft mode. This is a bit of an oversight on my part :/

I’m going to see if I can get EllisLab to add a hook so I can modify the categories as needed.

If I’m unsuccessful in getting a hook added I think I’ll be able to add a new Publisher tag to make it work, but its going to take some time as it would involve writing a bit of new code.



OK, in draft mode is not a big deal… but… what about ” in my original and live entry the categories will disappear! (I opened the live product), If I publish, my categories will come back to life. “


BoldMinded (Brian)

I’m not able to replicate that. You’ll need to provide CP access and provide steps to replicate it, e.g. what entry are you editing, and what categories are you assigning/unassigning, and what URL I can preview the entry at.



OK I can’t but I will provide you a screencast.



Attached, is an 8MB avi file.

First I open my live entry Then, I edit the product, modifying the categories (using category field plugin), then I save as draft. The preview does not show the categories (is ok) but then I move the cursor to the live entry and I hit F5. The categories disappear!

codec: cvid Cinepak by Supermac


BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you provide FTP access so I can take a look, or zip up the entire site (minus large media files) and a database .sql dump file so I can install it locally to debug?

I replicated that in my sandbox and the categories always show the published ones… they never totally disappear.


BoldMinded (Brian)

It looks like I might be able to get EllisLab to add a new hook, which would let me modify the result set of the {categories} tag in 2.7. Stay tuned, hopefully I’ll have this figured out in a few days.



I finally ended up creating standard check boxes. You can check this as resolved.

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