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Ticket: Structure ignores “de” language code

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher
Severity Critical
EE Version 31

Dennis Frank

Jun 26, 2013

I have a site with two languages: English and German. English is the default language. “Add URL prefix” is “Yes”.

For German I want to use the language code “de”. The language code is being added as expected with Publishers template tags for English and German.

But Structure ignores the “de” code. “en” and any other code are working without problems.


BoldMinded (Brian)

This might be the result of a last minute change I made the other day for someone else. I’ll double check the edit later tonight.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Ha, ok. This is funny but kind of sucks. The reason it didn’t work is b/c your TLD is .de, url is and this line of code:

$new_site_url = str_replace($code.$code, $code, $new_site_url);

replaces de/de/ with just de/, so it effectively was stripping the segment and returning it to your original url.

I commented out that line on line 751 of publisher_site_pages.php for now. It may not be needed anymore though. So keep it commented out and let me know if you do start seeing something like I’ll comment it out in my files to and see if its a non-issue anymore (I’ve made a lot of improvements to the url stuff lately, so it might not be adding double codes anymore).


Dennis Frank

Haha. Thanks for the fix. Everything works as expected now.

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