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Ticket: Editors should not be able to see/click “Save as: Published” button

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher
Severity Trivial
EE Version

Timothy Kelty

May 13, 2013

This caused confusion for the client.

It appears that the Publisher is still saving everything the Editor does as draft, as it should. But the fact that the user can still click “Save as published” and click publish is very confusing.

Seems like it should be hidden or grayed out and unclickable when you are an editor.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Do you have the channel set as needing approvals? Even though member groups are set as editors, you have to define which channels require approvals, otherwise its open to all.


Timothy Kelty

Yep, I have the channel set for approvals.

Attached a screenshot.


Timothy Kelty

Ah ok, I tried it with a different install where I didn’t have P&T Pill installed and the select is locked into “Draft”. Maybe just a problem with how the UI for Pill handles disabled?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Try this version of Pill:


Timothy Kelty

Bingo! Thanks. I saw that but forgot to install it.

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