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Ticket: Re-publishing published version deletes draft entry from publisher_approvals table

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher
Severity Trivial
EE Version 24


May 08, 2013


In Publisher, I have Sync Drafts set to off.
When I save a draft/send it for approval it shows up nicely in the approval queue. But if I view the published version, re-publish the published version, it then deletes the entry in the approvals table even though that draft was not approved or denied.  The draft does still exist as it was left by the approval seeker.

Also, if the approval seeker then tries to re-submit their draft version, I get this php error:
A Database Error Occurred
Error Number: 1062
Duplicate entry ‘2534-3’ for key 1
INSERT INTO `exp_category_posts` (`cat_id`, `entry_id`) VALUES (‘3’, ‘2534’)
Filename: third_party/publisher/models/publisher_category.php
Line Number: 107

Perhaps a warning when the draft is viewed stating that it is older than the published version would be good?


BoldMinded (Brian)

If you save a draft for approval and edit it, then save it as published, it assumes the content was approved. Approving content just means it is saved by a publisher or admin user.

I’ll look into the error and the warning message. Thanks for the report.



Yes, but in this case I’m not publishing the draft version, but instead re-publishing the live version.

Thanks for looking into it!


BoldMinded (Brian)

I added a new button:

This lets you save the entry without deleting the draft and its approval. I wasn’t able to replicate the category query issue though.

These changes will be in the next release, which should be in the next few days.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Do you have Publisher Lite or the full version? I’ll send a new build.


BoldMinded (Brian)

New build sent that should fix this.

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