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Ticket: Publisher and safecracker

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher
Severity Trivial
EE Version

Allison Baxter

May 05, 2013

Does Publisher, or Publisher Lite work with Safecracker?
I have a member site where I need to monitor entries that will be created via safecracker forms and we need some type of workflow system that will allow an entry to be displayed while the new version is in draft form waiting to be published.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I have yet to explicitly test it with Safecracker to be honest. I’ve busy solidifying the core code base and feature set for a 1.0 release. In theory though, it should just work b/c of how it ties into EE. For example, if you’re viewing a non-default language and submit a Safecracker form in that non-default language it should pick it up just fine b/c the language code is already in the session.


Allison Baxter

Hi Brian

so I purchased a copy of Publisher Lite and set it up to manage a particular channel on my site that get’s updated via safecracker.

When an entry is updated, the updated info is showing immediately on the front end output but in the CP the entry draft and open versions do not display the update and if I publish the draft the new content is deleted.

Would you be able to have a look at the site and see what might be going wrong?

I tried editing the original entry but couldn’t see where to add the CP credentials.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I need to test Safecracker locally first, it’ll be easier. I’ll try to get to it this week.


Allison Baxter

Thanks, that would be great I really would like to use it on my current (almost completed) project! - I’m actually using zoo visitor as the channel so I’m not sure if that will affect the issue. I did set publisher to ignore the zoo visitor fields…


BoldMinded (Brian)

Allison, in your template, add this hidden field and see what happens:

<input type="hidden" name="save_status" value="draft" />

Allison Baxter

Okay, that looks promising! The safecracker form updated the entry and created a new draft version. But when I look at the front end output I am seeing the new draft version before I publish it. Do I need to change the status for this? (it is open at the moment)


BoldMinded (Brian)

Yeah, make the safecracker form tag has the status set to “draft” too. So inspecting the source you should also see:

<input type="hidden" name="status" value="draft" />

Allison Baxter

Ok will do. Also, I’ve noticed that publisher is messing up uploading image files in a matrix field. I did click the Update P&T addons. Im using Matrix 2.5.3. I really apprecaite you taking the time with helping me sort this! I have tried Better Workflow but it is definitely not compatible with safecracker. I reckon if we can get this sorted, it should be a big bonus for the module as it would be ideal in al sorts of situations!


BoldMinded (Brian)

What type of file field are you using? The native EE file field, Matrix file field, or Assets?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Also, is it in the templates that the image doesn’t work, or it doesn’t save in the CP?


Allison Baxter

Im using the safecracker filefield (checked that it works ok with Publisher turned off) I can upload images directly via the CP but the image field is left empty from the safecracker upload. Do you want me to send you access to the site?


BoldMinded (Brian)

I’ll probably have to setup a local test in that case, no need for site access yet.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Allison, I made a couple small changes to Publisher last night to support Safecracker. I suspect what you saw ‘working’ wasn’t actually working properly. I’m going to email you a new build to test. As for the file field type, I still couldn’t get it to work properly b/c I suspect its an issue with the safecracker file fieldtype. You can try this fix though:


BoldMinded (Brian)

Support moved to email, issue should be fixed with Publisher 0.98.8, and this patch for Zoo Visitor. - Note this patch is not officially accepted at the time of me writing this though.

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