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Ticket: exp_speedy_diagnostics table over 11GB

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Speedy 1.9.1
EE Version 7.4.9

Aasun Eble

Apr 25, 2024

woke up to a site being down with an EE error about lack disk space.

Looks like in upgrading speedy from 1.7.0 to 1.9.1 a new database table is part of a version newer than 1.7.0: exp_speedy_diagnostics

That table is now over 11GB in just 2 days. The next largest table of this very large site is only 192MB.

What is that table? Will it continue to grow like crazy? How big can it get? Is this a debugging table that I can disable? Any other insight?


BoldMinded (Brian)

I’d be interested to see what is in that table. 11gb is quite large.

For now, if you’re having trouble, grab a backup of that table so I can see it, then run truncate exp_speedy_diagnostics;


Aasun Eble

Since I posted this ticket this table has grown from 11.4GB to now over 12GB.. It’s growing rapidly.

Screenshot attached of the structure. Additional screenshot of a single row in edit mode.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Just truncate the table daily for now until I can get you a build to reduce the logging.


BoldMinded (Brian)

You can also add this to your config to disable the diagnostics, which should fix the issue for you.

$config['speedy_diagnostics_enabled'] = 'no';

Aasun Eble

Perfect! Thank you.


Aasun Eble

This site has over 100,000 pages. And it’s a very complex/deep site with lots of relationships and large/complex page structures.. So, I use Speedy to static cache every page in the site.. It’s incredibly performant thanks to Speedy! 😊. But, that amount of content and the complexity of the pages, having the diagnostics stored in the DB just overwhelmed the database.

I looked bak through the 1.9.0 change log and I see the “[Added] Logging when Speedy is generating files for static caching”. But, didn’t realize what/how that did that and what the implication could be.

In future updates, when new features are added, it would be useful if those were disabled by default.. that way, existing installations could work the way they were previously set up.. then only enabling the new features, if needed. I realize that may not be a preferred approach for new installs… But, it certainly helps for upgrades..

OR, in the installation and update docs, just highlight what the new features are that could impact an existing installation so that we know to review it and/or disable if we aren’t using it.


BoldMinded (Brian)

The diagnostics feature was highlighted in the change log for version 1.9 and mentions the logging. I updated the docs with the new config variables to disable it. Sorry it affected your site in a negative way like that. I’ll release a new build that keeps the basic diagnostics running by default, but requires a config value to be enabled to save the queries to the database, which is what I suspect is what is making your DB table huge.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Released 1.9.2 which has a new config value to opt into query saving with the diagnostics.

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