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Ticket: Draft item showing up in list

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher Lite 3.11.1
EE Version 7.4.6

James Brown

Apr 03, 2024

I’m having an issue with drafts showing up in certain places on the site. This example is a blog. So there’s the page that lists all the posts, and then the single entry page.

The list has an entry tag like this: {exp:channel:entries disable="category_fields|pagination|relationships|relationship_custom_fields|relationship_categories" channel="blog" dynamic="no" search:hide-entry="not 1" status="{publisher:entry_status}” {if publisher:is_draft}show_future_entries=”yes”{/if}}

The entry page has a tag like this: {exp:channel:entries limit="1" disable="category_fields|pagination|pagination|relationships|relationship_custom_fields|relationship_categories" track_views="one" channel="blog" require_entry="yes" status="{publisher:entry_status}” {if publisher:is_draft}show_future_entries=”yes”{/if}}

I have users who are creating draft blogs that are saved but not published and are showing up in the list. If you go to the actual Structure page URL, it properly shows as 404. Just for whatever reason it is showing in that list. When I look at the draft entry the Entry Status is set to Open, and is definitely not published. Not sure how to stop that from showing in the list though.


BoldMinded (Brian)

What steps have you taken to debug the issue? Have you tried removing or modifying any of those entries tag parameters to see if the results change?


James Brown

I have tried banging around with the various parameters in the entry tag that lists out all the entries with no success. I tried a number of different changes, so I don’t have a list of specific changes I’ve tried. The main thing that is perplexing me is that the entry is still a Publisher Draft and has never been set to Published. So it shouldn’t be visible in EE to be shown.


James Brown

But I guess for the sake of the ticket I’ve tried stripping it down to the bare essentials with the same results. The version below still outputs unpublished entries.

{exp:channel:entries channel=”blog” dynamic=”no”}


BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you create a video illustrating the issue? Show me the publish page… create a brand new entry that is a draft and take me through the whole editing process. Show me the status fields in the CP, and open up the database, find the entry id you just created in the exp_publisher_titles table so I can see the rows for that entry.


James Brown

Comment has been marked private.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Did you try setting the Entry Status to “Draft”? If it’s a brand new entry and you don’t want it to show up, the Entry Status also needs to be Draft.


James Brown

You know… looking at it I think I see the issue. For some reason certain member groups didn’t have access to the “Draft” status. Looks like by default EE restricted their access when the group was created. Very annoying!


BoldMinded (Brian)

Oh, glad you figured it out. I feel like I’ve seen this happen before. I’ll update the docs page though to reflect this.

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