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Ticket: Drivers combined (static and file)

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Speedy 1.9.0
EE Version 7.4.4

Harold Kuiper

Mar 13, 2024

Hi Brian, In previous version we could use fragment and static cache both. So when caching we got 3 categories: local, global and static. In the newest version (you’ve sent me the prerelease 1.9.0) it looks like the local and the global are being skipped. I have specified driver=”file” extra in the fragment tag. {exp:speedy:fragment key="admin_leavers" ttl="3600" driver="file"} What should I be doing to make the file option work again? Best regards, Harold


BoldMinded (Brian)

I haven’t changed anything about how these would be cached. If you have a static tag on a page, it will override everything else. You can’t combine static and fragment tag caching. Static caching caches the entire page as a single response and there are no fragments or escaping involved. The whole point of static caching is to bypass EE entirely to render a page.


BoldMinded (Brian)

To expand on that, driver=”static” is not a valid option.


Harold Kuiper

Hi Brian, No I get it. It is more that we had some small elements on the site that are being cached through fragment and somehow that has gone. But we leave it for now. Thanks for the response. Best regards, Harold

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