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Ticket: Possible issue with prefix for grid tags?

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Simple Grids & Tables 1.7.4
EE Version 7.3.15

Rick Harrison

Feb 05, 2024

Just noticed a possible issue on one of our sites after upgrading EE+plugins, not sure if its the latest version of simplegrid or if its been an issue for a while and we’ve just not noticed - i had the following (abbreviated) template code (within a bloq):

{steps prefix="st:"}
    <div >
          <img srcset="{path}_182w_2x/{file_name} 2x"
               alt="{st:heading}" ...>

And noticed it was now outputting {st:heading} unresolved in the html output. If i remove the prefix on the heading field it’s output the heading correctly.
It still resolves the image tag with the prefix (from a little experiment it looks like its handling the prefix when the tag is a tag-pair and ignoring it when it’s a single-tag variable?_

Kind regards,





BoldMinded (Brian)

Hi, Rick. Take a look at the docs. Some minor changes were made to how images and general parsing are handled.


Rick Harrison

Hi Brian,

The file fields are fine in my example though? The issue seems to be that it’s not respecting the prefix=”xx” attribute on the grid field tag for the single-tag variables within it (but is respecting it for the file field and (presumably) any fields that use a tag-pair)? ie its handling {st:image}…{/st:image} fine but has stopped replacing {st:heading} in the output?

Kind regards, Rick.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you please share a screenshot of your field configuration?

And to confirm this is a Simple Grid field, not a Simple Table?


Rick Harrison

Sure - i’ve attached them to the ticket. Yes, it’s a simple-grid field.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I should probably update the docs b/c I don’t think the prefix is necessary anymore. The recent version was a pretty big overhaul in how it parses the fields, it parses it just like a normal Grid field, which doesn’t have a prefix option. I’d suggest just removing the prefix.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Also note your tag needs to be updated, per the docs, if you’re using a tag pair it needs the field prefix.

    <div >
               alt="{heading}" srcset="{path}_182w_2x/{file_name} 2x"

Rick Harrison

Ah, okay, ta (I didnt twig that was a breaking change from the 1.7.0 change log - i’ll have an audit of our sites and swap them over to the new syntax).

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