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Ticket: Pre-sales questions about blueprints

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version
Severity Trivial
EE Version

Bart Rylant

Dec 03, 2012


I have some pre-sales questions about blueprints:

- Will you still be able to change the order/layout of a publish form if it is being “created” by selecting a blueprints template?
- What will happen whit tabs that are hidden with this addon? (It’s just a javascript that hides tabs which are named ‘hidden’)
- If a field is within an if/else statement in the template (e.g. to check if the field is empty or not), will it be shown or hidden in the publish form?
- What about the SEO Lite tab? Will it always show?

Thanks a lot!


BoldMinded (Brian)

Blueprints does not add any new custom functionality to the existing JavaScript events that occur on the Publish page, it only relates the layout to a template and decides which saved layout to use when the page loads.

As for question #1, I’m not sure I follow, but hopefully the previous sentence might answer it.

2 - Should work with Hidden Tab, see opening sentence.

3 - No, the EE CP has no clue what is happening in the templates, they are too far decoupled, this is impossible with or without Blueprints.

4 - See opening sentence too


Bart Rylant

If I get it right, you have to make all the publish layouts yourself, and Blueprints decides which layout to use based on what you select, right?


BoldMinded (Brian)


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