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Ticket: “Save As (Draft)/Save As (Published)” dropdown does not work on a small device

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher Lite 3.10.1
EE Version 7.2.17

Elli Pratt

Oct 13, 2023

On a small screen (mobile device), our content editors cannot publish anything because the “Save As (Draft) / Save As (Published)” dropdown does not work. When selected, the up/down arrow changes on the button, but the button always says “Save As (Draft)”.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Thanks Elli. I’ll take a look at this.


Elli Pratt

Any luck on troubleshooting this?


BoldMinded (Brian)

I’ve been too busy and have not had a chance yet.

Considering it’s an issue that does not throw an error or prevent using the functionality entirely, just in mobile, it is lower on my priority list.


Elli Pratt

I certainly understand priorities, but our content editors cannot publish ANYTHING from a small screen (phone) because they cannot change the button to Save As (Published). If there is a work-around, please let me know.


BoldMinded (Brian)

This is actually an EE core bug, not specific to Publisher. Publisher is using all the built in styles and markup for these elements, so it’s a core style that is doing this.

You can report this as a bug to them:

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