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Ticket: Restricting YouTube API Key

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Reel 1.7.1
EE Version 6.4.13

Boiler Room Digital

Sep 26, 2023

I’m working on updating a site I’ve inherited from another developer, and the client reported that Reel wasn’t working. I tried, and found that the YouTube tab didn’t work - the error was that the API key was over quota. As I don’t have access to the original API key, I just created a new one with access to the YouTube data API. This works fine, as long as I don’t restrict the API key. As soon as I add a restriction (either for website or for IP address) I get a different error, “Requests from referer \u003cempty\u003e are blocked”. Should I just leave it as unrestricted? Is there an issue with doing so? If I should restrict, how should I do so? (By IP? By Website? and if so, what settings should I use?)

Also, should I restrict my API key by the API it can access? If so, I assume it only needs to be “YouTube Data API” for Reel to work?



BoldMinded (Brian)

I’m not an expert with their API settings, so I can’t offer any advice there. Reel doesn’t try to read or consider what the API key has access to, it just makes the request and Google determines if it’s accepted. If you find a setting that works for you, then I’d go with that.


Boiler Room Digital

OK thanks - it’s working at the moment, so I’ll leave it at that and not worry too unless we start seeing issues again. Thanks

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