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Ticket: Cache clearing rules work for some users but not others

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Speedy 1.7.0
EE Version 7.2.17

Lucas Nicely

Sep 06, 2023

I have set up a new instance with Speedy and set up cache clearing rules that worked during my initial testing. I can bust the cache each time I make a change, but another user with the same permissions as me does the same set of actions and the cache does not bust. Has this behavior been seen before? I don’t see anything that indicates user level permissions in the add on.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Hi Lucas. I’m on vacation is so it’ll be a week until I can look into this. AFAIK there are no user based permissions like this, so I would recommend looking at what other addons are doing or creating a new install of EE with just Speedy installed to try to replicate the issue. It sounds like something else might be interfering.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Also, it would help if you clarify how each user is attempting to bust the cache. Are you saving an entry? Clicking a particular button in Speedy’s settings page? Screenshots or videos help.


Lucas Nicely

Hi Brian. Thanks for the reply. We’re saving an entry to bust the cache. I’ll get a few screen recordings put together today. Where can I upload those?


BoldMinded (Brian)

You can edit the ticket and add photos, or use Dropbox or something similar and link to them in a private comment.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Closing due to inactivity. Feel free to re-open once additional information is provided.

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