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Ticket: Large number of innodes being produced in cache/default_site/publisher/lang/1 directory

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 2.11.2
EE Version 5.2.4

Hop Studios

Jun 30, 2023


We realize this is an older version of Publisher on an older version of EE, but were wondering if you might have any insight into what may be causing this problem.

One of our sites has suddenly started producing a high number of innodes in the /cache/default_site/publisher/lang/1 directory. I’ve attached a couple of screenshots of directory usage for this directory taken about 2 hours apart. In a day or two, this directory will have over 250,000 innode files in it and will trigger the server’s file usage alert.

Thanks in advance for any ideas you can share.

Chris Basnight


BoldMinded (Brian)

Publisher’s cache is just a facade for EEs cache, so whatever is happening is likely an EE thing or something happening based on server conditions.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Did you ever get to the bottom of this? I’m going to mark the ticket as resolved.

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