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Ticket: JS errors on publish page, bloqs lost their heirarchy

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Bloqs 4.10.2
EE Version 6.4.11


Jun 20, 2023

A client’s page content, made with Bloqs, was displaying incorrectly on the front end. I logged into the site and found that all the bloqs were at the first level as parents instead of some being children like they previously were. No errors in the CP, but there was a JS error in dev tools (see attachments). Any ideas why this might have happened? My guess is that something my client did while adding content triggered a JS error that made the bloqs lose their hierarchy, then client saved the entry not knowing things were messed up. I couldn’t double-click to expand the bloqs while they were in this state. I dragged the bloqs to where they needed to go and saved the entry and things came back to normal. Any ideas? Thanks!

The CP screenshot was taken after I had started dragging bloqs back to where they were previously.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Looks like you’re on a really old version of Bloqs. Try upgrading to see if it resolves the issue.



Thanks, I have someone who is supposed to be keeping this site updated, so assumed plugins were up-to-date. I made the update and will report back if the issue still happens.

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