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Ticket: Static caching driver limited MSM support

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Speedy 1.7.0
EE Version 6.2.7

Eric Harth

Mar 01, 2023


- the static driver count on the addon control panel overview view, appears to count from the root of the static folder returning a count for all items across all MSM sites, not limiting to the current MSM site e.g. /webroot/files/static not /webroot/files/static/msm_site where the site’s specific static files are generated. Not sure if this is also the case for other drivers.
- $assign_to_config[‘speedy_static_enabled’] = ‘yes’ when used in an MSM site’s index.php and admin.php file do not appear to override the value in the config.php for the primary site. I need to be able to turn speedy on and off on a per-site basis



Eric Harth

Update: It appears that the config override from index.php for an MSM site is respected, but not from admin.php


BoldMinded (Brian)

Thanks for reporting this Eric. Unfortunately I don’t know when I’ll be able to investigate this and fix it. Could be a few days or a few weeks.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Regarding the config variable, I’ve never tested $assign_to_config[‘speedy_static_enabled’] = ‘yes’, and even then I’m not sure I have any control over what happens within EE once that variable is set b/c it reads it differently than the normal $config array. I suggest you use the $config array and figure out how to conditionally change the value based on the site if you want to change the values based on which MSM site is loaded.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Comment has been marked private.


Eric Harth

Apologies, I never saw the notification for your reply.

I’ve just been testing the development release. It appears to address the count bug, but seems to introduce an issue.

When starting a site from a clean slate, with no static folders, in the previous version you could visit the Speedy CP and it’d just say you need to generate the Utils. We use a custom path to the speedy cache files and the plugin appears to respect this both front and back-end. But, the new version fails if there is no ee/user/cache/{msm_site_name} with an exception and I can’t find a way to go about getting it to create it itself. I can create it manually and then it works, nothing goes in that folder as everything heads to the custom path. It either needs to not look in that path, or be able to create/recreate its own folder if it isn’t there. The old plugin will create ee/user/addons/speedy when you first visit the speedy CP settings page, but not the msm site sub folder.



BoldMinded (Brian)

Thanks for the info Eric. I’ll take a look at this.


Eric Harth

Looks like this was resolved with the new code in the AbstractFileDriver that creates the folder if it doesn’t exist for both static and file drivers. Cheers

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