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Ticket: bloq outputting error in chrome inspect saying no closing tags

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Bloqs 4.4.0
EE Version 5.4.0

Josh Brodleit

Dec 03, 2020

Brian, getting an error in browser “” but i’m pretty sure I have tag pair correct.

	<div class="{if column_width}col-md-{column_width}{/if}{if margin_bottom != 'default'} {margin_bottom}{/if}" data-block-name="bloq_content_accordion">
		<ul class="custom-accordion default-accordion">
				<li{if {accordion_entries:count} == 1} class="active"{/if}>
					<a class="opener" href="#">{accordion_entries:accordion_heading}</a>
					<div class="slide">
						<div class="slide-content">
<p>		hi<br />
    {close:bloq_content_accordion}<br />
<p>    {/close:bloq_content_accordion}<br />


BoldMinded (Brian)

Have you tried simplifying by adding only this bloq to the entry, and removing all the extra html and conditional tags? Strip everything out that isn’t required to render a basic opening and closing of the bloq.


Josh Brodleit

ya, tried that too as seen in code below and no dice.

     hello world

BoldMinded (Brian)

So you have any other custom fields that might have the same prefix matching any part of bloq_content_accordian?

Might be easiest to rename it to xbloq_content_accordian and changing the template to match and see what that does.

Does it only happen with this bloq tag pair or any others?


Josh Brodleit

Resolved issue by recreating field.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you share more details? What was different this time? Did you change your field name or any bloq names?


Josh Brodleit

Deleted field and recreated.

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