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Ticket: Cannot create nesting - hierarchy is flat and ignoring settings

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Bloqs 4.0.3
EE Version 3.5.12

Paul Bellamy

Jun 25, 2018

Description: I’ve created a root level item (slideshow) and a child (slide) with slideshow as parent but when I try to nest them (ie place slide within slideshow) it doesn’t work.

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue:
1. I’ve created a video of the issue:

Unfortunately this is a local dev build so it’s not on a publicly accessible server yet 😕





BoldMinded (Brian)

Hi, Paul. You need to edit the Bloqs field itself (not the block definitions) and set it to nestable.


Paul Bellamy

It’s already set to nestable. I took a screenshot but I can’t attach it to this box, so I put it here:


BoldMinded (Brian)

Without access to the environment I can’t really tell what is going on, but the video clearly shows that the dragging is restricted to the Y axis, which means the original draggable code is what is being loaded. When you set the field to nestable, you should be able to drag along the X axis. Did you try clearing your browser cache to make sure the correct JS is loaded?


Paul Bellamy

It’s not cached and I just deleted the field and started a new one with ‘nestable’ toggled on from default.

I’ll have to move this to the staging server so you can see what’s happening - there are no errors in my console.

I’ll update this ticket when it’s online.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I’ll be happy to take a look at the staging server once its setup, but I’m a little suspicious about this b/c I was literally just testing the nesting functionality for another ticket in EE3 and EE4 this weekend and its been working as expected.


Paul Bellamy

Comment has been marked private.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Paul, I’m going to delete the credentials you added in the last comment. Please update the ticket with the provided fields, I don’t want that information stuck in my database forever. When the ticket is closed, the creds are automatically removed from the db.


BoldMinded (Brian)

The html for the field is setting it to not-nestable


The FTP info doesn’t seem to work. I’d need to debug the code to figure out why its rendering the html this way.


Paul Bellamy

Sorry, I just reset the password and then remembered that I have to whitelist your IP. Can you send it to me and I’ll add it to the whitelist?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Comment has been marked private.


Paul Bellamy

OK I’ve added that for standard FTP[21], let me know if I need to add another.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Comment has been marked private.


Paul Bellamy

Yes, that worked a treat. Thanks Brian, I’m glad it wasn’t just me being a dick 😊

One feature request would be to make layouts available for each bloq - I’m asking for single digit numbers and have text inputs a whole screen wide 😊


Paul Bellamy

OK it’s still not quite working unfortunately - rather than start a new ticket and re-fill the site credentials it’s easier to continue here. The nested tags aren’t being parsed, so only the parent is working. My code looks like this:

{exp:channel:entries channel="new_homepage" limit="1" disable="trackbacks" status="not closed"}

      <section id="sliderbg">
        <div class="main-carousel carousel-{height}" data-flickity='{ "cellAlign": "center", "contain": true, "draggable": ">1", "autoPlay": {slide_duration}000 }'>
            <div class="carousel-cell" id="slide-{count}-{blocks:count}">
            {if slide_link}<a href="http://{slide_link}">{/if}
              <!--img src="placeholder.jpg" data-flickity-lazyload="{image:url}" /-->
              {if slide_headline}<h2>{slide_headline}</h2>{/if}
              {if slide_subheadline}<h3>{slide_subheadline}</h3>{/if}
            {if slide_link}</a>{/if}


This outputs:

<section id="sliderbg">
        <div class="main-carousel carousel-small" data-flickity='{ "cellAlign": "center", "contain": true, "draggable": ">1", "autoPlay": 7000 }'>
            <div class="carousel-cell" id="slide-1-1">            
              <!--img src="placeholder.jpg" data-flickity-lazyload="{image:url}" /-->

slide is a valid child of slideshow, so I’d expect this nesting to work?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Did you check out the docs on nesting? You’re missing a closing tag pair.


Paul Bellamy

Ok that was totally me missing those docs! I missed the nesting page and was stuck at the template page. Thanks and apologies 😊


BoldMinded (Brian)

No worries

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