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Ticket: “Save & Preview” not previewing, Not seeing draft content for some fields on front-end - publisher_s

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 2.7.6
EE Version 3.5.15


May 15, 2018

Hi Brian,

Hope you’re well. We purchased Publisher recently (under another email address, since I had password reset issues with my boldminded account). Now that we are integrating and testing publisher with the site, we have come across a number of issues that we have been unable to resolve.

These are:
The “save & preview” does not show the preview popup in the admin.
To get around this, we implemented the draft / published switcher on the front-end. When switching to draft, I can only see “Grid” field-type with draft content. Other fields, eg: “text input” always show the published content on the front-end. The draft content in the admin does appear to save correctly.

I’ve setup a test channel here, with very basic template to illustrate the issue. Have you seen this before? Any ideas?







See that the draft view does not show the draft text input contents.
It should read “DRAFT Publisher test field”.
Instead it shows the published content - “PUBLISHED Publisher test field”.


The channel entries script is as follows:

{exp:channel:entries status="{publisher:entry_status}" channel="publisher_test"}
          <div style="padding:5px; background: green;">
<p>            {publisher_test_grid}<br />
              {publisher_test_grid:text_input}<br />
<p>              {publisher_test_grid:text_area}<br />
<p>              {publisher_test_grid:text_wygwam}<br />
<p>            {/publisher_test_grid}<br />
<p>        {/exp:channel:entries}


Attached login details below


This is a just test server, with test database- nothing else on this server - set up solely for troubleshooting publisher module.

Attached login details below


I don’t see a “system/user/cache/publisher/log.txt” file
I don’t see error messages in the browser.
I don’t see any javascript errors / warnings on the front-end


ExpressionEngine Version 3.5.15
Publisher Version: 2.7.6


If you need any more info regarding this issue, please let me know.



BoldMinded (Brian)

Have you tried the latest version of Publisher?



Hi Brian,

I’ve just upgraded to Publisher version 2.7.11 - I’ve re-tested and am still seeing the same issues.

tks pete


BoldMinded (Brian)

This sounds like 2 different tickets. The first is the preview not working, the second is the Grid field draft content.

Have you tried setting up a clean EE install with only Publisher installed to see if you can replicate the preview issue?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Regarding the Grid field issue. See if your Diff settings are turned on, and if so turn them off to see if that fixes the issue.



ok - I think I’ve resolved the front-end switcher issue - looks like “Authorized draft previews” was set to “Yes”. Setting it to “No” allowed the contents for text input to show on frontend with just “?publisher_status=draft” in the url.

I’ll try to get a base version installed in the next 24hrs, so we can troubleshoot the admin “Save & preview” issue.



ok, we resolved this. We ran an upgrade to the latest expressionengine version 3 and that fixed the issue.

tks! pete

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