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Ticket: Edit EN entry to create 2nd language entry inside it end up to show other language entry data in fro

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 2.7.5
EE Version 3.5.15

Andrew Jones

Feb 16, 2018

Hi there!

There is 2 Bug I notice with Publisher module. (In new fresh EE install)

Bug #1   (Not a priority)
Detailed steps to reproduce the issue:
1. When I tried to install the module, It goes nowhere. I enable debug mode and get this error:
2. To solve the issue, I go to EntryResult.php file and change code from ( ) to ( )

Bug #2 (Priority) After Saving an OLD en entry with new other language entry inside it, It shows other language data even in EN site too.
Detailed steps to reproduce the issue:
1. We have created an English entry, Go to front end and see. it works as expected. Both the language preview en version because no cy entry is published yet.
2. We go to backend, Edit entry and publish cy version. Go to front end and entry results cy content in both the language. (image-4.png)
3. I then go to backend and edit that entry again and just save it (Without making any changes). Now everything working fine again!


BoldMinded (Brian)

Bug#1 - What version of PHP are you using?

Bug#2 - Please create a new/separate ticket and include a video of what you’re describing, I’m having trouble understanding the process you’re describing.


Andrew Jones

My current PHP Version is 5.4.45. I will include a video in new ticket for Bug#2


Andrew Jones

Hi There!

Here is the video URL for Bug#2.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Try it on a PHP 5.6 or newer environment. 7.1 or greater if you can. 5.4 was end of lifed over 2 years ago. The lowest PHP I support is 5.6.


Andrew Jones

Thank you! We have tried #1 in php 5.6.x and php 7.x. Its working in newer versions.

Can you please look into #2. The issue is still the same in all PHP versions. (Just tested.)


BoldMinded (Brian)

Wow, I don’t know how this bug has gone so long without being detected. It should be fixed on your dev server. The next comment will include a link to download the latest build with the fix.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Comment has been marked private.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Note that entries showing the wrong content will need to be re-saved to fix the issue. I can’t retroactively fix the entries.


Andrew Jones


Thank you for the upgraded version, But your new copy you just give me via above dropbox link is a buggy version. This version solves the content duplication issue but It breaks


tag and URLs are not translating in EN version of the site. Here is the video:

Note: The copy you have updated in my staging server is working perfectly. I have copied that in my production and that solves this issue too.. This comment is for just to aware you about the issue, So you not make this issue in upcoming release. Here is the copy you have updated in my staging server (Working copy):


BoldMinded (Brian)

The build you have contains what should be a fix for another issue someone else was having, and that build also works for me in one of my production environments and translates urls correctly. Lets do two things…

1) make sure you clear all your cache. Publisher caches translated urls so it doesn’t have to do it multiple times.

2) If that doesn’t work go to line 900 of Service/Url/Url.php and you’ll see the following code. Comment that out to see if it fixes the issue.

if ($fromLanguageId === $toLanguageId) {
            return $this->addPrefixToUrl($url);

3) If neither of those works, please include the template code that you’re using to render that list of entries where the urls are not being translated.


Andrew Jones

Step 2 (Commenting those line) works for me here. Do I leave it commented or you have any other solution for that so I don’t need to hack the base code?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Leave it commented out for now. I’ll investigate the issue more locally.


BoldMinded (Brian)

What does your URL Translations settings page look like? 2018-02-20 07.52.27.png?dl=0


Andrew Jones

It looks like this:


BoldMinded (Brian)

Comment has been marked private.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I’m closing this ticket b/c I have not heard back in over a month. I’m assuming the build I sent resolves it.

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