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Ticket: Grid fields are duplicating at each saving of the entry

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 2.6.4
EE Version 3.5.11


Sep 25, 2017


Just bought Publisher2 and installed it.
My issue is located in the CP. Every time I create a tranaslation of an entry (and also when I edit it) the grids rows are duplicated. After 3 savings I get myself with 15 rows instead of 5.
I think it is the same issue as reported in this ticket : 1176 but for Piblisher2

My settings :

Drafts Settings :
- Disable Drafts set to YES (I also tried set to No as recommended in the other ticket)
- Sync Drafts set to NO (I also tried set to YES as recommended in the other ticket)

Persistence Settings :
- all three set to No (I also tried set to YES but it didn’t change anything)

Cache Settings : all cache solutions are turned off.

I have to languages :
The default’s one modified to French, and added a new one for English.

As I said before I think you already know the issue as it turned out to happen before on Publisher1.

Can you give me support on this please ?

Thank you in advance


BoldMinded (Brian)

Hi there. Thanks for the purchase. Have you tried to replicate this on the demo site?



Just tried: it doesn’t give the same error but another one (it truncate grid field’s content).

I forgot to tell in my ticket that on entries listing there is no lang icons in status all.


BoldMinded (Brian)

What do you mean truncated a grid field’s content? What entry did you edit?

Sounds like the lang icons should be a separate ticket. When you create the ticket make sure you check your Network and Console tabs to see if there are any errors in the ajax response or javascript errors.



I edited Scherben (page entry).

By truncated I mean I filled the text field with “test 1 german” and when I saved it, it became “test 1 g”.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I don’t know what is wrong with that grid field. Its one that a customer made b/c its not part of my demo install script. I couldn’t replicate it with the grid field in the Cards channel. I’ll take a look at that later, but for now lets stick to the main thing you reported, which is the duplicate rows.

What happens if you try a new EE/Publisher install and don’t change French to the default language? Just add it as a 2nd language and keep English as the default language. I’m wondering if something is getting crossed when you change the default language.



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BoldMinded (Brian)

What version of PHP are you using?

Can you be more descriptive about “EE installation doesn”t respond anymore”? That doesn’t really provide any helpful info to debug from 😊 Do you get an error message? Do you get a white screen? Or something else?



Yes, sorry it gives HTTP ERROR 500.

PHP’s version used : 5.3.27


BoldMinded (Brian)

Well that’s a problem. EE itself requires 5.4 and Publisher requires at least 5.5. 5.3 is incredibly old and not even supported anymore. I would suggest upgrading to at least 5.6. If you can you might want to consider jumping to 7.1 so you don’t have to upgrade again in a year.



Thank you, I just did and there’s no error 500 anymore. I thought the PHP version was the same that in the other EE install, mea culpa.

The PHP version change appears to solve the duplicated grid fields issue too, thanks. I have tried what you told me to do (–> What happens if you try a new EE/Publisher install and don’t change French to the default language? Just add it as a 2nd language and keep English as the default language. I’m wondering if something is getting crossed when you change the default language.) It works, even if I change the name of the default language (as explained in the Publisher doc). Good!

We progress… :D But, now there is still some weird things that happens (may I have to open a new ticket for that ?) :

  • Detailed Translation Statuses are missing on some channels (even if set to “Yes” in publisher settings) (but if a go to the menu Edit > View All, every entry has its detailed translation statuses).
  • the Persistence Settings all set to “No” are not observed. During the creation of an entry’s translation, all fields (but not the grid one) are filled with defauld language entry.

Did I miss to do something ?

Thank you for your support.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Persistence is just that the entry does not exist in all languages. It sounds like you need to turn off the Content Fallback options instead.



Yes I did too but…


BoldMinded (Brian)

I’ll take a look at that soon. Could be a few days b/c I’m busy getting ready for the conference.


BoldMinded (Brian)

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It actually does for fallback settings, thank you!

For the other ones, here are my observations :

  • Detailed Translation Statuses are missing even if set to “Yes” in settings: as long as there is only one entry created in a channel, translation statuses are missing in front of each row. But as soon as there is 2 or more entries, the translation statuses are showing.

  • the “Force default language in the Control Panel” set to “YES” is not observed : each time the Publish page is loaded, it requests data for the last language modified (thus, the set to “NO” behaviour). I tried to clear the caches of EE to see if it helps but it didn’t change anything (for the record: Publisher cache is set to “NO”.)


BoldMinded (Brian)

Glad the fallback is working now. Not sure how that was overlooked for so long.

Would you mind creating 2 new tickets for those issues? This one ticket has kind of dovetailed into 4 different things 😊



Sure! I understand. That’s done. Thank you.

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