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Ticket: Is there a way to disable Version Fetching?

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 2.4.2
EE Version 3.5.6

Elli Pratt

Apr 27, 2017

We are security conscious organization, and we have certain firewall zones in place that can’t make outbound network requests.

Our apache servers are in said zones, and because of that, the add-on is causing the EE control panel to never finish loading while it attempts to fetch the add-on versions.
The CP is basically unusable at that point.

[Is there/can there be] a way to disable the version checking without removing the code all together?

/** @var Version $versionService */
$versionService = ee(Version::NAME);
$allVersions = $versionService->setAddon('publisher-2')->fetchAll();

BoldMinded (Brian)

Not currently, but I can understand the need for that. I’ll try to add a config setting to disable this in the next release.

Thanks for the tip.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I added a new setting to turn this option off for the next 2.5.0 release. If you need to disable it now just comment out that line of code.

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