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Ticket: Category Heading Problem

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.7.4
EE Version 2.11.5

Verve -Webdesign und Grafik

Feb 02, 2017


I am trying to do this and it is not working. Means it shows just a blank {cat_name} on the page.

{exp:publisher:translate_category cat_id="{category_id}"}{cat_name}{/exp:publisher:translate_category}

When I replace the {category_id} by a number (1,2,..) it works well and shows me the categoryname.




BoldMinded (Brian)

From other ticket:

This code gives me just {cat_name} as output on the template: {exp:publisher:translate_category cat_id=”{category_id}”}{cat_name}{/exp:publisher:translate_category} When i replace the {category_id} by the number of the category it works well.


BoldMinded (Brian)

What is the tag that wraps {exp:publisher:translate_category cat_id=”{category_id}”}{cat_name}{/exp:publisher:translate_category}


Verve -Webdesign und Grafik

I tried several versions. The one I sent you before was with no wrapping tag.

This one works for the default lang (DE - ID2) and shows nothing in EN

{exp:channel:category_heading channel="angebot"}
    {exp:publisher:translate_category cat_id="{category_id}"}{cat_name}{/exp:publisher:translate_category}

BoldMinded (Brian)

You shouldn’t need to use the translate_category tag inside of category_heading. This should translate just fine:

{exp:channel:category_heading channel=”angebot”} {category_name} {/exp:channel:category_heading}


Verve -Webdesign und Grafik

Hmm, I had this first but it shows only the default lang (DE) and not the EN.

So I tried around and thought to solve it with your translate_category tags


BoldMinded (Brian)

Just checking… have the categories been translated inside the Publisher module?


Verve -Webdesign und Grafik

Yes, all of them.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Find the libraries/Publisher_channel_categories.php file and go to line 535, then comment out the conditional. 2017-02-05 14.11.33.png?dl=0

See if that works for you.


Verve -Webdesign und Grafik

Yes, this is it - works well now.

Thanks a lot. Res


BoldMinded (Brian)

Good to hear. This will be in the next release.

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