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Ticket: Custom fields not visible when previewing unpublished (draft) structure pages

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher Lite 1.6.11
EE Version 2.11.2


Aug 30, 2016


When creating a new page in structure and saving the entry as draft, custom fields are not visible. When saving an entry for the first time as draft, data is stored in the following tables:


Data is not being saved in exp_channel_data. The following code works for previewing the page with the title, but custom fields are not visible.

{!-- exp:channel:entries channel=“my_channel” dynamic="yes" status="{publisher:entry_status}" publisher_status="draft|open" --}
<h1>Custom fields not visible after previewing unpublished (draft) structure pages</h1>
<p>{!-- /exp:channel:entries --}

Steps to reproduce the issue:

1. Create a new structure page with a custom field (e.g. textarea, wygwam)
2. Safe the page as “draft” (do not really publish the page)
3. Try previewing the page

Edit 12:34: Changed spelling mistake in title





BoldMinded (Brian)

This is not something I’m able to replicate. When viewing a draft make sure ?publisher_status=draft is in the URL, otherwise {publisher:entry_status} does not work. If the data is not in exp_publisher_data, then you need to disable all other add-ons, or create a new/clean environment, to replicate the issue. Since there are no other similar reports, and I haven’t seen something like this happen in a couple of years, my gut tells me something else is interfering with the data saving.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Closing due to lack of response. Please re-open or create a new ticket referencing this one if this is still an issue.

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