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Ticket: Accessory stylesheet overrides other add-ons

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher Lite 1.6.11
EE Version 2.11.3

Design Site

Aug 23, 2016

I’m running Publisher Lite and Zenbu ( on a site, and I noticed that Zenbu’s icons weren’t showing up. A little digging in Developer Tools, and I figured out that you have some icon styles that use icomoon and they were overriding the Zenbu icon styles that use fontawesome.

I was already working with Nicolas at Zenbu on another support ticket, so I mentioned it to him. He said that he’d seen it before and that if I disabled the Publisher accessory, the conflict would go away. I disabled the accessory, and that did the trick.

That’s kind of a bummer, though, because the accessory is useful. Does the accessory need the icons? Is there a way I or (better yet) you could modify the stylesheet so that the accessory doesn’t reference the icon styles that are colliding with Zenbu’s?

I’m uploading a screenshot of what I’m seeing in Developer Tools.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Thanks for the detailed feedback. Since this is a minor issue and only reported as an issue once, I’m probably not going to invest time into this since Publisher for EE2 is under feature freeze and only critical bugs are being addressed. EE3 version won’t have the Accessory, so this won’t be an issue in the near future.

With that said you’re more than welcome to patch the file yourself and share it with me and I’ll look at getting it into the next bug release fix.



I understand. And I wish you the best in your EE3 development efforts. I hope it’s not too much of an imposition to ask for a tiny bit more of your time, though….

Off the top of your head, do you know if there is an ID or class that Publisher applies that I could use as a hook for directing the icon styles at the Publisher module pages rather than the accessory? (I’m assuming that you use icons solely in the module pages?)

If I can’t figure out the stylesheet issue, is there any other non-language functionality besides the Pending Approvals that I’d be missing out on if I disable the accessory?

Thanks for your help.


BoldMinded (Brian)

The acc file only has one instance of “icon-“, which is this line:

It might be as easy as updating the module.css file to have a more specific selector. There are parent divs that could be used in the selector:

var new_html = \'<div class="publisher-preview"> \
                            <div class="publisher-browser-bar"> \
                                <span class="publisher-browser-bar-status">'. lang('publisher_'. $status) .'</span> \
                                <span class="publisher-browser-bar-url"> - <a href="http://%27." target="_blank" rel="noopener">'. $url .'</a></span> \
                                <span class="publisher-browser-bar-close icon-close"></span>
                            </div> \


Thanks! Once I have a bit more time of my own, I’ll poke around and see if I can figure it out from there.

I appreciate the help and wish you the best.



Quick update, since I couldn’t actually put it off until later. 😊

In module.css, I changed:

[class^="icon-"], [class*=" icon-"]


.publisher-browser-bar [class^="icon-"], 
.publisher-browser-bar [class*=" icon-"],
.publisher-diff [class^="icon-"], 
.publisher-diff [class*=" icon-"]

That’s not the most elegant solution, it apepars to do the job.



Argh. Working quickly and didn’t notice that this isn’t a complete fix. The fix above helps with the Zenbu conflict, but it doesn’t actually deliver the icons properly to Publisher.

Okay. Down and dirty fix time. This is even less elegant, but everything works now.


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