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Ticket: CSM using Ajax when Enable ajax responses is set to NO

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Custom System Messages
Severity Critical
EE Version 17

Tim Lloyd

Jun 15, 2012


I’ve upgraded to 2.4 and I’m using Structure 3.2.4 and EE 2.5. Since upgrading, when I submit any form that is a success, I get the error:

AJAX Error
The response was not a valid JSON object. Close

Appear in a Jquery dialog.

If I look at Firebug, it’s issued a GET request for the return=”” parameter but is trying to process it as Ajax. I’ve set the option “Enable ajax responses” to NO but it has no effect. I don’t need to use Ajax, just for it to honour the return=”” tag on success. I also have Bypass the message template entirely on successful actions? set to YES.

Appreciate your help…



BoldMinded (Brian)

What type of form are you using the ajax submit with? There are some forms in EE that simply don’t accomodate an ajax submission… they expect a browser redirect, not an xml or json response, thus it won’t work. If you look at the actual response text in Firebug it’ll most likely contain a full HTML page, which is why it isn’t working.


Tim Lloyd


Yes, I am getting a full HTML page in the response.

I’m using this with FreeForm from Solspace and the tag looks like this:

{exp:freeform:form form:id=”quote_form” form:name=”quote_form” collection=”Request quotation” return=”products/thanks/{segment_3}” notify=”” template=”quote_request” send_user_email=”yes” user_email_template=”external_request_quote” }

I don’t want it to use AJAX but just use the return=”” parameter. Instead, this appears to be included via the AJAX call. I have told CSM not to use AJAX, which is the baffling bit.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Tim, what version of Freeform are you using?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Also, do you have a URL available where I can look at the form?


Tim Lloyd


Sure, the form can be found here with the problem:

Freeform 3.1.4



BoldMinded (Brian)

Tim, sorry for the delay, I must have missed the email notifying me of your follow up comment. Are you still having trouble with this?


Tim Lloyd

Yes but I found a dirty workaround which was to edit pi.system_messages.php and on Line 209 add:

form.action = “”;

This meant the JQuery Ajax stuff shouldn’t run, which it shouldn’t anyway was a AJAX requests were disabled in the System Messages plug-in option, so not sure if its a bug or just my set up with the various plug-ins already installed.

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