EE4 compatibility updates:

  • Publisher is EE4 and EE5 compatible, but it does not currently support the Fluid field (it's in the works).
  • Reel is EE4 and EE5 compatible, but it does not currently support the Fluid field.

Ticket: Major performance issues

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.6.11
EE Version 2.10

A2 Hosting

Apr 15, 2016

Hey guys. So we have recently created a new site in EE and we had originally wanted to use Publisher for translations. However, this site is extremely complicated, using many multi-tier relationship fields and lots of iteration. Under this site architecture just enabling publisher was causing page render times to exceed (like our old site) the performance hit would be acceptable but our new site’s architecture makes it too heavy. We had contact 20 seconds or more. We believe this is due to the way Publisher works, intercepting each of the high volume of tag calls. On a simpler pageed you about these performance issues earlier this year and your suggestions unfortunately were not enough.

We do want to have translations on our new site, however, so we were wondering if you had any ideas of how Publisher could be revamped, or if you guys would be willing to develop an alternate translation module that worked in a way that wouldn’t have such a performance hit. Of course we’d be willing to pay for this development depending on the cost involved.

Please let us know if you’d be willing to do custom development like this and if so what the cost for it would be.


Detailed steps to reproduce the issue:


BoldMinded (Brian)

Sorry for the really late response on this, I didn’t get an email notification for it and just now seeing it in the feature list.

Sorry you’re experience performance issues. Sounds like Playa is the issue? Even without Publisher Playa is a slog, especially when its inside of a Matrix field. To directly answer your questions, Publisher for EE 2 is on feature freeze while I’m working on the EE 3 version. Playa fields should be converted to native Relationship fields, which are much more performant.

“or if you guys would be willing to develop an alternate translation module that worked in a way that wouldn’t have such a performance hit” - I am working on that module, its Publisher for EE3. Its not even remotely feasible to start over from scratch for EE2 at this point.

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