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Ticket: Wyvern Video in SAEF?

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Reel 1.3.2
EE Version 2.10.1

Norman Sibley

Mar 03, 2016


I just purchased Wyvern Video, and it isn’t working in SAEF/Form. Should it?

(I’ve tried both include_jquery=“yes” and include_jquery=“no”, in a form and page containing nothing else. It does work fine in the CP Publish page.)

Thought I’d ask before proceeding to debug.



BoldMinded (Brian)

Do you get a JavaScript error message of any sort in your Console? What about it isn’t working? Is the field rendering at all? Do buttons just not work? I need more information.


Norman Sibley

That was fast!

So, evidently it should work?

This is the error I’m getting in the log:

Deprecated function add_to_head() called in system/expressionengine/third_party/wyvern_video/helper.wyvern_video.php on line 137. From template tag exp:channel:form in test/index. Deprecated since 2.8. Use CP::add_to_foot() for scripts instead.

And only the text “Add Video” displays, not as a button.

Thanks, Taz


BoldMinded (Brian)

Yeah, it should work. Can you to go line 137 of the file in the error message and change add_to_head to add_to_foot and see if that makes any difference?


Norman Sibley

Sorry, should have mentioned — I did try that. No luck.

I’m seeing add_to_head in two places — lines 116 and 134, actually — tried changing just on 134 and on both. Same result.


Norman Sibley

Just to follow up: I’ve done a clean install. Same result.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Just a heads up its going to be a couple of days before I can try to replicate this.


BoldMinded (Brian)

You need to add the class publishPageContents to your publish form, or have a div around the Wyvern Video field for it to work.

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