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Ticket: Settings are saved, but not displayed

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Custom System Messages 2.5.1
EE Version 2.9.2

Hop Studios

Feb 18, 2016


I just installed Custom System Messages and it’s really cool.

But I have an issue with it.

When I go to the extension settings page set settings and save them, it seems that they are saved (the behavior on error message pages is working ok, it’s displaying the correct template).
However, when going back to the extension settings page, everything is blank, like I never entered anything.

I’ve made a gif showing that issue :

Thanks !


BoldMinded (Brian)

Did you try setting the Submission, Error and General settings above it? They’re required fields.


Hop Studios

I just tried, still same issue.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I’m betting there is something environment specific causing this, otherwise I would have heard similar reports months ago.

Did you check the exp_extensions table to see if the settings are saved?


Werner Gusset

I have the same here. EE 2.10.3 CSM 2.5.1.

The settings do work, but the settings page looks like I have not changed a thing.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I just uploaded a fix for this issue. It should be in your account downloads.


Werner Gusset

Confirm that the fix works. Thank you.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Good to hear!

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