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Ticket: {channel_name} not showing for a specific channel

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.4.2
EE Version v2.7.3 - Build Date: 20131210

Matthew R. Weinberg

Jan 29, 2016


My name is Al, I work at Vector with Matt, so I hijack his account to post this bug.

This is a pretty odd bug and after a lot of debugging I couldn’t find a way to solve it, and reading this post ( I conclude that it could really be a bug.

This bug is happening on a sitemap where the code looks like this:

		<li><a href="{path='{channel_name}/view/{url_title}'}">{title}</a></li>

The result is a list of entries where the path have the channel name as part of the url, so we expect to see a lot of /insights/, /news/ and /blog/.

For some reason, the /blog/ simple doesn’t show! All the other options are being displayed properly.

I tried to change it and force the channel name, like this:

<li><a href="'blog/view/{url_title'}">{title}</a></li>

Now, what I get is ‘/blog/view/%7Burl_title%7D’

But if I change blog with news, I get:

So, the problem is specific with the word ‘blog’. I looked in the entire code for some regex or anything that could be overwriting the publisher and couldn’t find.

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue:
1. Access site URL passed.
2. Check the first link under insight (Digital Video from a Buyer’s Perspective)
3. The link was expected to be /uk/blog/view/digital-video-from-a-buyers-perspective, but it’s missing the /blog/
4. Check any other link, you’ll see the channel name is there, the last item from Insight group will show you /uk/insight/view…

PSA - If you use the menu to change language it will redirect you to production, so try to just use /uk/, /es/ direct on the url.

Let me know what more information I can provide to help you on this.



BoldMinded (Brian)

Have you tried the most recent version of Publisher? The one you’re using is over a year old.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I just tested locally using version 1.6.10 and the channel_name, path, and url_title variables parse properly.


Matthew R. Weinberg

My fault, should have checked it first… I’m doing some tests here and will update you, but I guess this is a ticket to be closed.

Thanks, Al

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