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Ticket: Is it possible with different domain names?

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher Domain Control 1.0.0
EE Version 2.10.1

Verve -Webdesign und Grafik

Jan 12, 2016

Hi Brian

I am using publisher for a website with 3 languages (DE, FR, IT). DE ist the main language.

Now I have 3 different domain names, one for each language (

Is it possible with Publisher Domain Control to ‘connect’ each domain name with the matching language version?
If possible - how can I do this?

Thanks for your support






BoldMinded (Brian)

Yes, you can do this. Publisher Domain Control would be the best option.

This of course means the server needs to be configured so all 3 domains are pointing to the same EE installation.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Oops, this one


Verve -Webdesign und Grafik

Thanks Brian - sounds good, but …

This means to add some code to the config file of EE? I am new to this. Do you have a sample code this could look like? Res


BoldMinded (Brian)

PDC makes it so you don’t have to add anything to your config file.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Look at the screenshot on the product page, there is 1 field for each language, just put the domain name in each field. As long as your server is configured so all domains are pointed to the same EE folder on the server then everything should work. I can’t provide help with the server configuration though.


Verve -Webdesign und Grafik

Hi Brian

I see. So I configured the server and ‘Publisher Domain Control’ (see screenshots in the Edit Ticket section) but on the website in the 2 other languages (FR and IT) the url stays in DE.

Any idea?

Thx Res


BoldMinded (Brian)

The language switcher will not work when using this method. You’ll need to make your own language switcher to switch between URLs. If this isn’t what you mean by “the url stays DE”, then you’ll need to be much more descriptive.


BoldMinded (Brian)

It appears to be working for me going to all the URLs. I see translated navigations in each.


Verve -Webdesign und Grafik

Did you see the screenshots? When I am in the german version on the the german url, ( and the call the french url (a different url name) the website switches to and not to the french url ( More clear?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Comment has been marked private.


BoldMinded (Brian)

The URL is not in the screenshot.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Please provide detailed step by step instructions to replicate the issue.


BoldMinded (Brian)

What are you using to generate your navigation? On this URL The Cours navigation link points to, a totally different URL. This seems more like an issue with the template logic or whatever you’re using to generate the navigation.


Verve -Webdesign und Grafik

Comment has been marked private.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Somewhere in the header of your template put {site_url} so I can see what the value is for each site.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Thank you for providing FTP and CP info. Something maybe overriding the site_url variable, which is what is causing the links to not render correctly.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Looks like you have Deeploy Helper and Reelocate installed, both of which are setting the site_url to, which I’m betting is the issue. Try removing all site_url values from those 2 module’s settings and see what happens.


Verve -Webdesign und Grafik

I removed now both of them. Seems not changing the problem.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Ok, I think its fixed now. There was a bug in PDC and it wasn’t setting the site_url correctly.


Verve -Webdesign und Grafik

Looks good now! Thanks a lot Res


BoldMinded (Brian)

I updated ext.publisher_domain_control.php, so you may need to commit it to any version control you’re using, or back it up to your dev environment.

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