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Ticket: Edit Entry link in approval doesn’t work correctly.

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher Lite 1.6.10
EE Version 2.10.1

Nick Johnson

Jan 05, 2016

I’m using the default ‘Approval email text’ template. When the email comes through, if I click the ‘View Entry’ link in the email, it takes me to the page to view it, as expected. If I click the ‘Edit Entry’ link however, it does not working correctly.

If I copy/paste the link it looks like the following.


As you can see, it is missing the fully qualified domain on the front, however, if I add the fully qualified domain to the front, it still does not work. It asks me to login, and once I do, it just leaves me on the control panel home page.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Do you have the site url value set in your cp or in the config.php file?


Nick Johnson

Yes, I do. I have it set to.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I did some testing last night and indeed the site url was not prepended to the edit link, however, the preview link does have the URL. I fixed the edit link and the email data looks fine just before the message text is parsed (it goes through the normal EE template parser), then when I receive the email neither link has the base url on it. My dev environment is setup to send emails through Mandrill, so I don’t know if the parser is messing up the links or if Mandrill is. I can’t think of any reason why either one would be butchering the links. All I know is the links are correct just before the email is sent.

How are you currently sending emails? Mandrill or a similar service or native EE email sending?


Nick Johnson

We are using Mandrill as well.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Interesting. Could you test it with something other than Mandrill?


Nick Johnson

I don’t think it would be Mandrill just because the view link works. If it was Mandrill causing the issue wouldn’t it make sense that neither works?

I did try flipping it over to SendMail previously and that did not work either.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Just did some more tests. This is the contents of my email just before being sent through EE’s email sending:

editor ( has submitted the entry "Test 3" for Publishing on 01/10/2016 10:51am.

<a href="">Edit Entry</a>

<a href="">View Entry</a>

I’m not sure what is happening. I’m using MAMP to test locally, and the only way I could ever get email sending working was to use Mandrill, and this has worked in the past, and I haven’t changed anything in the email sending in a long time.


Nick Johnson

You are able to replicate it though so that’s good (for me at least). Anything I can do to help?


BoldMinded (Brian)

I haven’t had time yet, but if you could maybe test it with another email service. I was going to try Gmail’s SMTP next.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I think the 1.6.11 release has a fix for this.

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