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Ticket: Publish entry won’t publish, saves it as Draft instead (bc of duplicates in db ?)

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.6.6
EE Version 2.9.2

Hop Studios

Nov 25, 2015


We are encountering an issue on our client’s website.
Occurring in English (default language) when editing an entry.
When we try to publish an entry, it’ll only save it as Draft.
If we then load the draft and try to publish it, still same issue.

I went into the database to see what was wrong.

In publisher_data and publisher_titles, it appears that a same entry (same entry_id) has duplicates (see screenshot attached).
When I delete the duplicates and keep only the latest row (the one with the biggest id), then I’m able to publish an entry correctly.

1. Is that OK to delete those duplicates or are they linked to something ?
2. Do you think I need to clean the database ? (delete those kind of duplicates)



BoldMinded (Brian)

Try upgrading to the latest version, 1.6.8.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Yeah, I don’t know where those duplicate rows came from, but you’ll probably have to manually delete them. I’m not aware of any bug or scenario that would create duplicate rows in that table. In fact thats never been an issue. Are you using other 3rd party add-ons… Datagrab or something?


Hop Studios

I’ll upgrade to the latest version soon.

I’ve cleaned-up the database, everything’s back to normal now. We have datagrab installed but we never used it.

I hope that won’t happen again, even if I have a script to clean everything now.

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