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Ticket: Publisher cache log.txt

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.6.1
EE Version 2.8.1

Paul Cripps

Nov 04, 2015
Description: The file found in the following location:
This file had become 7 gig in size, over roughly 18 months. I deleted the content of the file yesterday, and 24 hours later, today it’s already 40 meg. Is there a way to dis-able logging? Granted it would be good to understand the issues being logged, so an example entry to the log.txt file is:
=== BEFORE ===
SELECT DISTINCT(rel.child_entry_id) 
				AS entry_id
				FROM exp_playa_relationships rel
				INNER JOIN exp_channel_titles AS ct ON ct.entry_id = rel.child_entry_id AND ct.`entry_date` < "1446485185"
				WHERE rel.parent_entry_id = 4170 AND rel.parent_is_draft = 0 AND rel.parent_field_id = 53
				ORDER BY rel.parent_entry_id, rel.parent_field_id, rel.parent_row_id, rel.parent_col_id, rel.parent_var_id, rel.rel_order

=== AFTER ===
SELECT DISTINCT(rel.child_entry_id) 
				AS entry_id
				FROM exp_playa_relationships rel
				INNER JOIN exp_channel_titles AS ct ON ct.entry_id = rel.child_entry_id AND ct.`entry_date` < "1446485185"
				WHERE rel.publisher_lang_id = 1 AND rel.publisher_status = "open" AND  rel.parent_entry_id = 4170 AND rel.parent_is_draft = 0 AND rel.parent_field_id = 53
				ORDER BY rel.parent_entry_id, rel.parent_field_id, rel.parent_row_id, rel.parent_col_id, rel.parent_var_id, rel.rel_order
Any thought or advice greatly appreciated. (We’re planning on upgrading soon!).

BoldMinded (Brian)

I’ll send you a new build soon. I thought there was an option to turn it off but I might have overlooked that. Thanks for pointing this out.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I thought this sounded weird. You must have something from previous debugging session in place. This shouldn’t be called as often as it is getting called.

search for “publisher_query->modify(” and see if the 4th parameter of the function is set to true. It looks like that may be the case as there is nothing else that would trigger the logging that you are seeing.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Or just upgrade to the latest version.


Paul Cripps

Its in “Publisher_playa_hooks.php” on lines 161 and 170.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Ok, thats not in the latest build, so that may have been added by me debugging an old ticket or I told you to add it? Or maybe it was in a build that went out, not sure. Upgrading or just removing the true value will fix it. Sorry about that.


Paul Cripps

No worries, thanks for the help finding it… Just testing it now, will upgrade shortly too 😊


BoldMinded (Brian)

Sounds good, going to close this then 😊

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