Publisher does not support the Fluid field type. Please do not contact asking when support will be available.

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Ticket: Custom fieldtype not working when Publisher enabled on channel.

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.6.5
EE Version 2.10.1

Diederik v Hoorebeke

Aug 11, 2015


I’ve made a custom fieldtype. And it works fine until I enable Publisher on the channel where the fieldtype is used. The data isn’t being saved anymore. I’ve added both the field and the fieldtype to the ignored list.

I’ve checked the $data the post_save() function of the fieldtype, and the data is correct. But when trying to retrieve the data from the database, the fieldtype doesn’t get any data.

I’m also not using the save() function, keeping it default. The fieldtype itself simply receives a string.

Any idea what I’ve been doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.


Diederik v Hoorebeke

An example string on how it is being saved:

[field_id_105] =>|137|52|351|351|1:1|260|260

BoldMinded (Brian)

Diederik, if the custom fieldtype does not use its own database table, then Publisher doesn’t care what it does, and doesn’t do anything special to those fieldtypes. If you haven’t already I suggest you take a look at this: Those docs are to help fieldtypes that use their own tables (like Matrix and Playa).


Diederik v Hoorebeke

Hi Brian!

Well, the fieldtype doesn’t use an array. So I added

var $has_array_data = FALSE;

to the fieldtype, and that solved it!

Thank you for the link. That how I managed to fix it. D.

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