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Ticket: Upgrade Compatibility

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Reel 1.2.7
EE Version 2.5.2

Jeremy Frank

Aug 04, 2015

Wyvern Video 1.3.2 requires EE 2.9. My client is still running EE 2.5.2. What is the latest version of Wyvern Video that still works in EE 2.5.2?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Jeremy, I’m honestly not sure which version supports EE 2.5. If I were to find out and give it to you, I can’t support that version. I’d recommend just upgrading EE to be honest. If you’re in the process of upgrading add-ons, you might as well upgrade EE itself.


Jeremy Frank

Thanks for the quick reply. They’re currently using Wyvern Video 1.2.10 on EE 2.5.2. Everything was working fine until YouTube depreciated v2 of their API this summer. Is there any way I could get 1.3.0 (1st update w/ v3 api support) to try in this environment? Devot-ee only allows a download of the latest version (1.3.2). If you contact me via email, I can share the license we have on file with devot-ee.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I don’t know why you wouldn’t be seeing 1.3.2 on Devot:ee, I just logged in and its there. There isn’t much sense in sending 1.3 with bugs if 1.3.2 is available.


Jeremy Frank

I am seeing 1.3.2 on devot-ee, but it requires EE 2.9, and my client is running EE 2.5.2 (with no upgrade plan in the works).


BoldMinded (Brian)

1.3 also requires 2.9 as well.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Have you tried 1.3.2? I can’t remember the specific change that required 2.9, but it may not affect you?


BoldMinded (Brian)

I set the minimum requirements for most add-ons for support purposes, I can’t constantly test in 5 different versions of EE, so sometimes the requirements are arbitrary and not necessarily code related, however, in this case I can’t remember if it was an arbitrary or necessary change.


Jeremy Frank

Yes I tried 1.3.2. I didn’t realize 1.3 required 2.9 as well. Completely understandable about version requirements and support. I’ll look through the code changes to see if I can spot anything specific to newer versions of EE.

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