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Ticket: Langauge statuses unstyled in Edit panel

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.6.4
EE Version 2.10.1

Linus Design

Aug 01, 2015

This one’s odd: I’m sure this was working before, but when I go to EE’s Edit panel, the little Publisher statuses are un-styled – see attached screenshot. No errors in the console, and it’s not that they’re being overwritten – there’s nothing in Chrome dev tools Styles panel that includes styles for .publisher-translation-status. Seems the styles just aren’t getting loaded in. Any thoughts?


BoldMinded (Brian)

That happens when the css file isn’t being loaded. Check your network tab to see if there are any 404 errors when loading css, and make sure the Publisher theme files were installed correctly.


Linus Design

Ah I found what it was! I had uninstalled the accessory, as we’re not using any kind of approvals workflow. Hadn’t realised that those styles also depend on it. So all good now – thanks!

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