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Ticket: PHP errors while creating new entry via channel:form

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.6.4
EE Version 2.10.1


Jun 22, 2015


Im having a minor issue with my channel form.
The form is ment to create new entry instead of editing one.
(when editing entries dont get the errors because entry_id is present).
Using latest EE 2.10.1, with Publisher 1.6.4 running on php5.6.2.

EE’s docs states that when channel form doesnt find entry_id,
it will create new entry, and because Publisher is somehow checking things againts entry_id,
errors are thrown because there is no entry_id available.

Publisher template tag page is not telling nothing for channel:form when it is about creating new entry instead of editing one.

Here is the opening tag for channel:form I have now:

{exp:channel:form channel="tapahtumat" include_jquery="no" datepicker="no" class="form-horizontal" author_only="yes" cache="no" return="{phrase:uustapahtuma}/ENTRY_ID"}
                                            <input type="hidden" name="lang_id" value="{publisher:current_language_id}">
                                            <input type="hidden" name="publisher_view_status" value="open">
                                            <input type="hidden" name="publisher_save_status" value="open">

Errors what I get are:

A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined index: entry_id
Filename: publisher/ext.publisher.php
Line Number: 594

A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined index: entry_id
Filename: publisher/ext.publisher.php
Line Number: 601

I do not have drafts enabled, Im using Publisher purely for translating content.
Browser console shows no JS errors or other errors.
I have stripped all html down using just html/body and the channel:form == still getting those errors
I have no categories on the channel in use.
It is very likely that Publisher try in all possible scenarios to find ENTRY_ID but because the channel:form will create new entry when there is no ENTRY_ID available, those PHP errors are thrown.

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue:
1. create new channel form with the opening tag similar to above
2. use SuperAdmin account for the page when trying to create new entry (regular users do not see errors).



BoldMinded (Brian)

Comment has been marked private.



That build seemed to fix it as far as I did one test. If I spot something related, will let you know. Thank you.

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