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Ticket: WSoD after upgrading to EE 2.10.1 from EE 2.8.1

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.6.3
EE Version 2.10.1

Dustin Tuft

May 25, 2015

Description: After upgrading to EE 2.10.1 I am no longer able to login into the CP and I get the following error message.

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Publisher_cp_events::assign_accessory() in /var/www/ifxdev/system/expressionengine/third_party/publisher/ext.publisher.php on line 1543

I was able to install and use publisher 1.6.3 under EE 2.8.1 with out issue, the site seems to be unaffected.

This is a test install ( ).

If I switch back to the 2.8.1 files I am able to login with out error. If I log in on 2.8.1, then switch the files out to 2.10.1 I am able to use the CP until I log out, then I am back to the WSoD upon the next login.

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue:
1.Upgrade Publisher on EE 2.8.1
2.Validate update
3.Upgrade EE 2.8.1 to 2.10.1

Thanks for you time.
Dustin T


BoldMinded (Brian)

Dustin, are you sure the files were not corrupted during the upgrade or something? Try copying over the files again, there isn’t any reason it shouldn’t be able to find that method. Its loading the class just before it attempts to call that method. Also, I can’t replicate this locally and haven’t had any other similar reports, so this seems like it might be an environment issue more than anything.


Dustin Tuft

So odd, I tried coping the files again, and got the same results, so then I tried to just delete the publisher folders and recopied with out over writing. It is working great now, I am not sure what was in there since it was the same files that were working under 2.8.1.

Thanks for your quick response!!

Dustin T

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