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Ticket: Low Variables and Publisher… ?

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.6.2
EE Version 2.9.3

Gavin Lawrie

Apr 15, 2015

Just a general question about what experience there is of running Publisher and Low Variables together.

I checked with Low and it has no support for Publisher built in.  But wondered if they sort-of work anyhow for things that don’t require explicit support, or if there is a way of coercing it to work.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I personally have not done anything to integrate the two, but I know other people have used them together. To what capacity or how they used them I don’t know. All I know is LV supports languages, and it creates variables with prefix/suffix. I assume you can create a variable and do something like this:


Gavin Lawrie

OK - helpful. I’m give it a go and see what comes.

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