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Ticket: Suggestion: allow Japanese as “ja” or “jp.”

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.6.2
EE Version 2.9.2

Nick Benson

Apr 03, 2015

The TL;DR on Japaneses ISO standards is that “JA” represents the language, whereas “JP” represents the state. Which one gets selected for use in a project seems somewhat arbitrary, there are reasonable arguments for both sides.

As Publisher is setup now, you can enter “JA” as the language code, however the flag icon in the control panel doesn’t work, as the file is saved as “jp.png.” On our project, I’ve copied it to “ja.png” as well, so our content editors can still have appropriate iconography. I might suggest doing the same for the production build.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Done. Will be in the next release. Thanks!

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