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Ticket: Compression Error

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher latest
EE Version 2.8.1

Aaron @ Emagine

Mar 30, 2015

I have a site running publisher that has the following scenario:

1. I load the site fine and the world sees it perfectly.
2. On login to the admin panel, it works fine.
3. After login to cp, I load the main site again and it doesn’t load, giving me the following errors:

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED

The urls it is trying to load are:

So it looks like something publisher is inserting into the mix? en is my language code prepended to the root url….

Any ideas would be helpful.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Try turning of gzip encoding and make sure you dont have something like eAccelerator running.


Aaron @ Emagine

I turned gzip off, but not sure why that was causing any issue. Works now without it.


Brian Litzinger

Glad to hear that fixed it. I don’t even know why gzip is still a thing, networks these days and the later versions of PHP are fast enough to not need it.

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