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Ticket: Stripping of tags?

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.6.2
EE Version 2.9.2


Mar 19, 2015

Sorry if this is a silly question - I just installed Publisher, and I’m finding that it’s stripping the

tags that are in some of my channel posts - which messes with the formatting.  Is there a way to disable this stripping? Thanks!


BoldMinded (Brian)

Hi, Rob. Not sure I can help without knowing what its stripping 😊

Can you provide a before and after of the template markup?


BoldMinded (Brian)

What sort of markup are you putting into your posts?



Hah whoops - it stripped it here too ) < p > tags are being stripped for some reason


BoldMinded (Brian)

That does not sounds like anything Publisher does. Are you 100% sure it’s Publisher? Backup your database, uninstall Publisher, and then see if the tags are still getting removed. Restore your database back to your backup after testing.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Also, what kind of custom field are you putting HTML into? If its a Wygwam/Wyvern or any other wysiwyg field there could be numerous reasons as to why tags are getting stripped.



Thank you for the quick replies!

The field type is “Textarea (Rich Text)”

When I disable the plugin, the < p > tags are appearing as they should, but enabling Publisher they are being stripped. Odd!


BoldMinded (Brian)

What does the entire contents of your field look like? Create a Gist to share it if my forum here is killing the formatting. (


BoldMinded (Brian)

Would you mind taking a few minutes to setup a new/clean EE install with only Publisher installed to replicate the issue?



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BoldMinded (Brian)

I just tested locally, and Publisher is not stripping any tags. If you are using empty p tags to create spacing, then its the Rich Text field that is stripping empty p tags. Empty p tags are not valid markup, you should be using CSS to create spacing instead.

This isn’t a Publisher issue.



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BoldMinded (Brian)

I did the same thing in my testing, and the p tags rendered fine wether or not Publisher was enabled.

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