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Ticket: img tags get stripped out - src URL is displayed

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version 1.7.1
Severity Critical
EE Version 2.9.2

Dustin Hansen

Feb 11, 2015

We just upgraded all of our CMS software. It looks like all tags in Wyvern are getting stripped out completely.

Our template:


The contents for “{my_custom_field}” in MySQL contains this:

<p><img src="/path/to/image.jpg" /></p>

It gets output in the final HTML code as:


What would be causing this??


BoldMinded (Brian)

Double check the each of the Wyvern field setting and make sure the enable images option is selected. Even if its selected you may have to resave the field’s settings.


Dustin Hansen

OK. Re-saving each field works. I’ll have to go through and do that for all of the fields in the CMS. Thanks.

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