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Ticket: User taken to blank page when submitting an entry for approval and an incorrect URL when saving Publ

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.6.1
Severity Critical
EE Version 2.9.2

Stephen Tidmore

Jan 14, 2015

Hi Brian,

I came across an issue on version 1.5.9 of Publisher so I upgraded to 1.6.1 to make sure it wasn’t already addressed and I’m still seeing the same issue.

When an Editor submits an entry and saves it as a draft (their only option) they are correctly taken to the confirmation page. The URL they are directed to is

However, if they do the same thing, but also click the “Send for Approval” checkbox then they are taken to a blank page. The URL they are directed to in this case is the same as the URL used to edit the entry. It is

The entry that they marked for approval also is not actually being marked for approval in the DB and it’s not showing up in the Pending Approvals queue.

Also, there’s another issue I’ve noticed since upgrading from 1.5.9 to 1.6.1. I have my admin.php file renamed to something else, however, whenever I go into the settings page for Publisher in the CP and click on Save Settings at the bottom it tries to take me to It seems like it’s ignoring the fact that I have a different admin file name and the settings are not actually being updated when I save them.

I’ve recreated both of these issues on both remote and local environments.

Thanks for your help. Let me know if you need any more information.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Stephen, the newest version was changed to use the native cp_url() function, and I think there was a couple bugs in it. I just emailed you a new build to try.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Stephen, if you are getting a blank page it means its probably hiding a PHP error. Make sure you turn on error reporting and try it again.

As for the admin file name change, are you positive you’ve updated all of EE’s settings in the appropriate places? The 1.6.1 version of Publisher now uses the native cp_url() function in EE to generate the paths to pages, so Publisher is not setting the base path that includes admin.php, thats coming from EE’s core.



Hi Brian,

Yes, I definitely should have turned on PHP errors earlier. When a user selected “Send for Approval” and submits and entry I get this error:

Fatal error: Class ‘Publisher\Service\EE_Template’ not found in /path/to/site/third_party/publisher/src/Service/Parser.php on line 67

I thought I was positive I had updated all of the settings for the admin.php file, but I must be crazy because it still said admin.php in a master config file. That was definitely on me.



Hi Brian,

I was getting the same PHP error that Stephen was getting when “Send for Approval” was checked - he sent me the build you sent him and the error went away but I’m just not getting an email notification sent out at all now. No errors are being generated, just no email coming in. I rolled back to a version of 1.5.9 you sent me and the notification came back but the preview url doesn’t work.

I’m on ExpressionEngine 2.9.0

Thanks for your help! - Kristine


Brian Litzinger

Kristine, uncomment these lines in the Email class:

It should give you some info in your browser, or in the cache/publisher/log.txt file. Paste the output here.

Also, send me an email at support at boldminded dot com and I’ll email you the new build.



Hey Brian,

Here’s the output:

NULL Unable to send email using PHP mail(). Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method.

Which is weird, because it was working previously and I haven’t updated any email config setting.

I’m also emailing you separately for the new build.

Thanks, Kristine


BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you revert to the older copy of publisher and see if it works? I want to be sure it stopped working when publisher was updated.



Yeah, if I revert to the 1.5.9, I get the notification but the preview link doesn’t work

If I’m at 1.6.1 I get the blank page that Stephen was getting

If I upgrade to the 1.6.1 build that you sent him, I don’t get the notification at all


BoldMinded (Brian)

Ok. I’ll try to look into this more, but it’ll probably be a week. I’m traveling this week so my schedule is crazy.


BoldMinded (Brian)

In the mean time, can you double check your email settings? I assume you’re using PHP 5.3+ too? As of right now the latest build sends me the notifications and the links work correctly. I’m going to email you what I have.



PHP Version 5.4.36 I upgraded to 1.6.2 and same situation - no email sent, email debugger showing the same error. I also tried sending a message via the Communicate functionality, which worked fine. And as soon as I roll back to 1.5.9, it is able to send again but with the broken link

This is separate but just an FYI I’m also not getting email notifications for this ticket, even though I know I used to get them



Disregard my previous comment about email notifications - I found them in my junk mail!



Clarification on the above:

I’m still having the Publisher notification issue - but I’m no longer having issues receiving notifications from this support thread.



Hey Brian,

I tested on a local copy of the site that Stephen has set up and it seems to get the same PHP mail error that I get on my install (FYI, I don’t get an error when I send via Communicate on this local copy)

Let me know if you need additional info! - Kristine



Also I just turned on debugging, and I’m getting this before the mail error

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined variable: data

Filename: Service/Email.php

Line Number: 124


BoldMinded (Brian)

Kristine, there is no variable on line 124 called data in the version I have. Going to email you the latest build to test.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Closing ticket, moved to email support.

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