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Ticket: <form data-publisher-ignored=“yes”>‘s action attribute being overwritten on non-default langua

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.5.9
Severity Critical
EE Version 2.9.2

Nick Benson

Dec 12, 2014

Have a template that’s building a form; the form’s attributes, including the action, are all entered via a channel entry. This form is submitting to a third-party service off-site.

Everything works as expected in the default language, English, which isn’t configured to have a URL prefix.

When viewing the form in another language (the form entry has a translation in place, and all appears as expected, asides from the form’s action; instead of the value of {forms_action}, it’s the current page’s URL.


{exp:channel:entries entry_id="{embed:form_entry_id}” limit=“1” parse=“inward” dynamic=“no” disable=“categories|pagination|member_data”}
<form method=“post” data-publisher-ignored=“yes” acti>

Expected Output:
<form method=“post” data-publisher-ignored=“yes” acti>

Actual Output:
<form method=“post” data-publisher-ignored=“yes” acti page’s url]”>

Per your documentation, data-publisher-ignored=“yes” is the way to prevent this from happening, however, if I search the code for the latest version of Publisher, I can’t find the string “data-publisher-ignored”, nor do I see any logic based on a potentially different different spelling in publisher/libraries/Publisher/Publisher_parser.php


Nick Benson

And, apparently “action” is getting over-sanitized by your ticket system here; hopefully you get the gist.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Hey Nick. Make this change:


Nick Benson

Brian; nice chatting 😊

Confirmed as fixed; marking as resolved. Many thanks!

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