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Ticket: Wrong redirect using language switcher

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.5.9
Severity Trivial
EE Version 2.9.2

LouWii D.

Dec 08, 2014


I’m facing a bug that I managed to fix.

When using the language switcher, I had a wrong redirection on pages like
where the segment is actually a template group.

When viewing default language (for instance /my_page) and clicking on an other language on the switcher (to see italian version of /my_page), it works fine.
But when viewing a translated version (/es/my_page) and clicking on an other language, it redirects me to /fr or /it instead of /fr/my_page or /it/my_page

I manage to find the bug into the code.
publisher/libraries/Publisher/helpers/Publisher_helper_url.php, line 831, ee()->uri->segments is returning an empty array. I don’t know why.
I added
$segments = $this->get_current_segments(FALSE, FALSE);
on line 832 so we are sure to continue the script with the correct URL segments. That does the trick.

I thought I’ll let you know.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Thanks for the report. This sounds a lot like something I’ve fixed for an upcoming release, so I’ll compare to the change you submitted.


BoldMinded (Brian)

This should be fixed in 1.6.1. Closing.

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