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Ticket: Translate Months (low_yearly_archives)

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.5.8
Severity Trivial
EE Version 2.8.1

Niall O'Brien

Nov 26, 2014

Hi, this is a similar issue to however, nothing I try will resolve my issue. Here’s the part of my template in question.

{exp:low_yearly_archives channel="news" sort="desc"}
                    {if entries_in_year > 0}
                    <dd class="show-for-medium-up {if year_count==1}active{/if}">
                        <a href="#panel{year_count}">{year}</a>

                        <div id="panel{year_count}" class="content {if year_count==1}active{/if}">
                                {if num_entries > 0}
                                    <a href="{root_url}news/{year}/{month_num}">{exp:publisher:translate_phrase name="{month_num}"}  - ({num_entries})</a>
<p>                        </p>
<p>                        {if year_count == total_years}<br />
<p>                    {/if}<br />
                    {/if}<br />

In the backend, I’m translating {month_num} into the corresponding months, eg. 07 = July.
This works if I hardcode 07 in place of {month_num}, but when {month_num} is in place, it just outputs that tag.

I also tried {month} (which outputs July) but I can see in mod.publisher.php on line 473 that you’re converting it to lower case, so a phrase called “july” should work, however, none of these are working for me. Is there an issue with the parse order here?

Thanks in advance.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Did you try parse=”inward”? {month_num} is a variable created by the yearly_archives tag, so it might not be printing the correct value by the time the translate_phrase tag is called.


Niall O'Brien

Hi, thanks for your reply. I got around it by putting it into a partial and embedding the partial in the main template (passing month_num as a var to the partial) thereby ensuring it was parsed before handing it to translate_phrase (I setup 01-12 as phrases as it worked better than using {month}).


{embed="news/translate-month" month_name="{month_num}"}

{exp:publisher:translate_phrase name="{embed:month_name}"}



BoldMinded (Brian)

Glad you found a work around.

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